It’s always a joy when authors come together to celebrate readers! In this case, 6 of us with signed books to be mailed to a Valentine’s winner. These are our latest releases, some brand new. Enter at the link below. Hope you win! RAFFLECOPTER Happy reading!
The Indigo Heiress cover that wasn’t…
Cover art is my favorite part of publishing so it’s fun to share a peek behind the scenes of covers that didn’t make the final cut. Revell has a top-tier art team and designers dedicated to bringing readers the very best wrapping for books. It’s quite a process that actually begins a year or more before the book releases. I’m …
The Indigo Heiress Giveaway #3!
The Indigo Heiress countdown continues! As a thank you for preordering & reading my books, here’s giveaway #3! Open through end of December. Rafflecopter Thank you!
Home for the holidays!
Home from Chicago, the Christy Awards gala & the inspiring Art of Writing conference, JustReadRendezvous, & time with extended family – my cup overfloweth ahead of Thanksgiving! While I’m not a fan of flying, the trip went well, I didn’t get airsick, stayed well throughout, & enjoyed being with people who understand the author life. Here is a picture of …
Book Club Questions – The Lacemaker
I’m often asked for book club questions which makes a case for including them in the back of novels. I find them interesting even if I don’t belong to a book club-though I wish I did! Here is a guide for The Lacemaker curated by LESLIE DEVOOGHT. I think sometimes the best questions come from readers themselves like Leslie. …
The Seamstress of Acadie is arriving!
Hard to believe novel #15 is out there in the hands – & hopefully hearts – of readers everywhere! Hardest novel I’ve ever written. Hardest novel to research because this is hidden history, so to speak. The late Queen Elizabeth issued a formal apology to the Acadians for the part the British played in their history during her reign centuries …
Gorgeous Georgians
Recently it came to my attention that the best way for an author to connect with reading friends is through a private group… So, Gorgeous Georgians it is! Isn’t the image lovely? I have the amazingly gifted Hannah Linder to thank who is a fellow author as well as a stellar designer! Here’s both her lovely sites: Hannah Linder Designs …
Historical Fiction Unpacked!
One of my favorite podcasters is Alison Treat who asks wonderful questions & is a writer herself. We had quite an enjoyable time discussing books, life, & more. Have a wee listen below! Historical Fiction Unpacked
A Love Story in Time Giveaway
April is one of my favorite months & here’s just another wonderful reason! I’ve been so excited to join these other beloved authors who are dedicated to quality historical fiction. Win a signed copy of our 4 latest releases as well as a generous $100 Amazon gift card! Mimi, Elizabeth, & Julie are always five star reads for me as …
18th~century fashion or … those gorgeous Georgians!
One of my favorite things about the 18th-century is the fashion. This silk cape is a beautiful, even whimsical example of why it’s a favorite for me. At first glance it may seem just another pretty, genteel garment but… Per The Met, “The extraordinary embroidery of this cape shows the delight of the British in the age-old tradition of representing …