Daughters of the American Revolution & KSDAR Reading List

Laura FrantzBooks, DAR, Daughters of the American Revolution, Historical Fiction, History in the Making, Novel News, Patriots, Uncategorized, Writing News

  I’m thrilled to learn The Seamstress of Acadie has been chosen for the Kentucky Society Daughters of the American Revolution reading list for 2024. As a DAR member, this is meaningful to me on so many levels. I’m also a huge devotee of DAR’s American Spirit magazine which is beautifully done & award winning. Many Americans have Patriots in their lineage …

Patriots, Ancestry, & Books

Laura FrantzAncestry, Book Clubs, Books, DAR, Daughters of the American Revolution, Heroes and Heroines, Historical Fiction, Patriots, Travel, Uncategorized

Rarely do I speak but the DAR – Daughters of the American Revolution – is dear to my heart. The ladies of Franklin – and a few gentlemen! – welcomed me warmly in a special meeting for their Old Glory Chapter. I’m blessed several of them have taken time for my books. I gave a brief talk which was followed …

The Seamstress of Acadie is arriving!

Laura Frantzat my desk, Authors, Books, Heroes and Heroines, Historical Fiction, History, Novel News, Reading, Reading Friends

Hard to believe novel #15 is out there in the hands – & hopefully hearts – of readers everywhere! Hardest novel I’ve ever written. Hardest novel to research because this is hidden history, so to speak. The late Queen Elizabeth issued a formal apology to the Acadians for the part the British played in their history during her reign centuries …

Novel news!

Laura FrantzBooks, Gorgeous Georgians, Historical Fiction, History, Inspiration, Newsletter, Reading Friends, Scotland, Travel, Uncategorized, Writing News

Time for a writing update! Good news should be shared! ✍️ I signed a new contract yesterday! The plan is to bring you a winter novel & a summer novella in future. Two books a year for several years to come! 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 Cover art & titling are underway for this finished January 2025 novel about a 1774 colonial American heiress …