Works that will outlast us…

Laura FrantzAuthors, Books, Events, faith, Inspiration, Novel News, Reading, Uncategorized, Writing News

If you’re looking to add to your reading list, have a look at the Christy finalists for 2018. This award is associated with Catherine Marshall and her classic Christy set in my beloved Appalachian mountains. This particular novel inspired me and my writing in ways I can’t name as well as her other nonfiction books on faith.

I was a Christy finalist in 2013 for Love’s Reckoning and this year for The Lacemaker. It’s such an honor to be among novels that have faith at their very heart which I believe gives our writing an enduring, eternal quality.

This year the Christy event is held in Nashville on November 7th with The Art of Writing conference beforehand. Such a lovely time to be in the south!

I’ve been thinking a lot about the true measure of writing and how the best books withstand the test of time. In the words of Sarah Arthur, one of the Christy conference presenters: “What if our calling is not merely to write well for our generation but also to create works that will outlast us.”

A beautiful thought!