New newsletter with a perk!

Laura FrantzBooks, History, Inspiration, My Kentucky Cabin, My Kentucky Kitchen, Newsletter, Novel News, Uncategorized, Writing News

I finally took the plunge last year and hired a freelancer to teach me how to craft a compelling newsletter (I so hope you think it’s compelling)! I’m all about beauty and edification so it took countless hours to transfer that vision in my head and heart to a delightful e-letter format. Since I love sending snail mail complete with sealing wax and seals (the post office has a love-hate relationship with me as seals don’t get past their machines), an e-letter is right down my writing alley though I’d send it to you snail mail if I could!

I invite you to subscribe. If you do so now you’ll net an extra perk – a graphic and list of ten books that have inspired me personally and professionally. If you’ve ever wondered why my stories are constructed the way they are, take a look at what I sink my reading teeth into! Of course, being a bibliophile, I could easily hand you a top hundred list. Even as I made the list I was dismayed at what was left off. But there you have it, a very hard to narrow down top ten beloved books. My newsletters are sent once a month though I do take summers off. However, mid-summer you’ll be the first to see my new cover via a brief newsletter blast!


Thank you for joining me! Knowing you’re reading my humble e-letter and might find something bright and newsworthy inside is truly inspiring! If you’d like to see more of something or want to ask a question, please do!