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Laura FrantzBooks, Inspiration, Uncategorized, Writing, Writing News

Recently my agent, Janet Grant, Books&Such Literary, posed some questions on her blog that I thought might be fun to answer if you’re interested. Here goes… *Where did the idea for The Lacemaker come from? A few years ago, my two boys bought me Felicity, an American Girl doll. Since I don’t have a daughter, this is the next best …

A peek inside The Lacemaker…

Laura FrantzBooks, Inspiration, Reading, Uncategorized, Writing

The Schuyler Mansion One of my favorite things when writing a novel is creating an evocative setting. My next historical, The Lacemaker, is a tale about a home as much as it is about people. While there are many beautiful places in the colonial period, one is a shining example of all that is unusually beautiful and artistic, even breathtaking, …