Frantz Friday:)

Laura FrantzUncategorized

My publisher is calling these end of the week e-book specials “Frantz Fridays.” Love those e-readers! There’s something truly amazing about having instant access to books. This Friday, November 8, The Frontiersman’s Daughter is on sale for $2.99 via Kindle, Nook, and other e-readers, for international download. Here’s one of my favorite reader pics of my friend Hannah sailing with Lael in the Caribbean. …

Fall Scavenger Hunt!

Laura FrantzUncategorized

SCAVENGER HUNT STOP #26  Follow the clues to win a Kindle Fire, free books and more! WELCOME:  Welcome to the Fall Christian Fiction Scavenger Hunt! Begins 10/25 at noon MDT Ends 10/28 at midnight MDT—plenty of time; no need to rush! 31 stops Discover authors with new or soon-to-be-released novels Collect the clues in red on each post, beginning from …

A joyous Eden…and a new title!

Laura FrantzUncategorized

I like to think of this photo as a joyous Eden when she spies Silas:) Can you blame him for being smitten in turn? This morning (after one of those weeks!), photographer/designer, Brandon Hill, blessed me by posting a montage of the cover shoot for Love’s Reckoning from 400 or so photos taken last December. I. Am. So. Delighted:) And …

Belle on a Budget!

Laura FrantzUncategorized

Ever so often a kindred, book-loving spirit comes along who knocks my creative socks off:) Christy is one of those. She has a wonderful site where she showcases her love for Southern Sassy Things and does just what her banner beckons – invites you to pull up a rocking chair and sip some sweet tea and indugle in some book banter. I feel …

Bibliophiles and more!

Laura FrantzUncategorized

Thanks so much for all the emails, snail mail, photos and more! These are just a sampling of the JOY:) Love my readers!

Book clubs!

Laura FrantzUncategorized

From the time I met with my very first book club four years ago (shown here with hostess Judy at her beach house), I’ve enjoyed my contacts with every one of them whether in person or by phone/Skype. Most even understand my southern accent;) As another novel releases, I wanted to post a huge THANK YOU to the church groups and clubs …

It’s here!

Laura FrantzUncategorized

It’s here! Can you tell I’m smiling:) UPS rolled down our very long driveway and brought me my first copy. It’s a joy to hold it in my hands, smell that fresh book scent, and peek at my favorite scenes… I so wish I could be a reader and open those pages for the very first time! But here’s hoping …