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Strawberry Pretzel Salad

Happy almost Thanksgiving! If I could I’d love to learn what’s on your holiday menu this year, both Thanksgiving & Christmas. Here at our house we bring out the best china and glassware and heirloom silverware and set the table in advance. Sometimes days in advance.

This year we’re feasting on a smoked turkey, cornbread stuffing/dressing, mashed potatoes and gravy, macaroni and cheese bites, sweet potatoes in puff pastry, cranberry sauce, green beans, deviled eggs, & dinner rolls. Iced Christmas cookies & a banana cream pie are for dessert at my son’s request as it’s also his birthday. Oh, & strawberry pretzel salad:) We then enjoy leftovers for days & days.

If you’ve read any of my novels you know that I love putting delicious details into each one. At a Zoom book club meeting this past week, more than one reader said she loved the food my characters enjoyed & then proceeded to quote from the novel! Truly, food is a gift from God we can enjoy not just in person but on the page. I’m so thankful we have a holiday devoted to giving thanks around a bountiful table.


Wishing you a peaceful, joyful holiday season!