Laura FrantzUncategorized

blog devo

I always start a new year with good intentions. In fact, my word for 2016 is ‘intentional’ because I struggle with a sense of balance in my life. I tend to approach everything with passion and have a hard time letting go of things, people, events. For example, we are involved and in love with with three churches right now! This may be too much of a good thing. In Kentucky there seems to be a church on every corner. Being back in the Bible belt has its perks. But I sense the Lord telling me to live more intentionally, less out of habit, to streamline choices and focus on the things that truly matter and are eternal.

After seeing WAR ROOM in the theater with a dear friend and sister in Christ, I bought the book Fervent for us both. Love the title! Sadly, my prayer life lately has gotten squeezed to the far margins of my life. My devotional time has been reduced to iPad apps. Not long ago my husband said, “How much time are you spending on that thing?” He doesn’t have a Facebook account nor is he online much as he’s an action man. “He doesn’t understand,” I thought. “Social media is so much of my work.” But it seems to fit with ‘intentional.’ Being unplugged is a wonderful thing. Being offline more than I’m online is wonderfully freeing.

I just returned from a two week vacation out west with family and opened this devotional above (Powerful Moments in the Presence of God) for the first time since I’ve been back. Why was I surprised to see my word~ intentional ~ waiting for me? There was also focus, a word from my past. Today I reopened this little book and for the first time saw the words in stained glass,


Seems Jesus is right in front of me and I so often miss him.

I pray we will all see more of our Savior in 2016.