July joys

Laura FrantzUncategorized

Celebrating the joys of summertime…

july's joys collage

It’s been a busy month in the garden. Lots of fruit ripening and jam-making in our kitchen. Our favorite flavor? Wild blackberry! Recently Randy found this abandoned bird’s nest in our woods, truly a work of art…

seattle trip collage best

To celebrate Paul’s 15th birthday, we took a trip to the Seattle zoo and also the locks to see the boats come in and out of Puget Sound. The weather was glorious – an unheard of 90 degrees and sunny…

seattle trip collage 2

The roses are in bloom everywhere and it’s been fun to have some boy time. My favorite stop in Seattle is PinkaBella cupcakes! Can’t eat just one…

fairy queen wing reading best

One of the highlights was being the Fairy Queen at a fairy party for a friend’s granddaughter. Oh joy! A wonderful leap from our all-male household to gossamer wings and giggles! This group stole my heart…

july joys story

And then there are the stories, always the stories, written in the margins of ordinary life…

Hope your summer is going well!