Cover reveal almost here…!

Laura FrantzUncategorized

cover collage seven books
Recently I saw the final cover for A Moonbow Night. Revell’s art team incorporated several key elements of the story into the artistic design. Before I saw the final, I was sent the one photo of my heroine approved by the team. It’s a stunning shot. There’s Tempe Tucker, clad in homespun, a very simple garment on the 18th-century frontier. Her hair is in the braid I’d described in the book. Better yet, it’s messy. Life on the frontier was not pretty. It was earthy and humble and hard, mostly. She has that look. She doesn’t resemble a young woman of today. The font is historical and they’ve done a split screen, my first. You’ll see what I mean when you look at it. And best yet, it’s truly a Kentucky cover. The setting is unmistakable.
Of all my books, this is my favorite cover. My other best loved ones are Love’s Reckoning and The Colonel’s Lady. You probably have your own favorite cover art out of my 7 novels and this new one might not change that. But I hope you’ll be pleased and intrigued. I’m one overjoyed author:)