Christmastime is here

Laura FrantzUncategorized

I’ve now celebrated so many Christmases I can’t remember them all! And I’ve realized over time it’s not a merry occasion for many. Amid all the brokenness, I’m so thankful to have a warm house, full cupboards, a beautiful family, & many other overflowingly good gifts. But the older I become the more sentimental & even melancholy Christmastime is for me. I miss people & places of the past, including my younger, healthier self. But those are only temporary, earthly concerns since my “citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ.” Philippians 3:20 All because Christ came down at Christmas to save us from ourselves!

Our greatest gift is Jesus, our eternal Christmas, & I wish you the true joy & hope & peace of the season!