Laura FrantzUncategorized

joy dare collectionLast year I started January 2013 with the little devotional Jesus Calling. This year I’ve discovered the JOY DARE and wanted to invite you along to experience more joy in the coming year. Each day brings specific things to be thankful for – God’s many gifts.

Author Ann Voskamp has a beautiful website/books that you may already be aware of. Just clink on her name to go to the link.

Today’s JOY DARE made me smile…


1. Our Christmas Tree (yes, I still have a nine foot Christmas tree with tiny white lights by the French door of my kitchen)

2. My mini-Cuisinart (it enables me to make killer ham salad;))

3. Our breakfast bar (memories of 8 years homeschooling on the countertop, bread dough kneaded and biscuits cut, lots of laughter and fun…)

divider best

Wishing you a joyful end of January!