Every once in a while a cover comes along that makes me pause, inhale, and wish that it was mine. In this case, an entire series! I’m usually drawn to cover art that reflects the century I love best – the 18th. Since I was small and watched that classic historical drama “Seven Brides for Seven Brothers,” anything bride-related makes me a bit giddy. I’m that much of a romantic, I guess…
The title for The Cumberland Bride is poetic and there are so many elements of this cover I love – the cameo and pearls, the fan and lace sleeves – and that epic backdrop of what would be the Wilderness Road into Kentucky given the story’s premise. I like headless heroines as they let the reader envision the character instead. This one is elegant and romantic and – well, I want that dress!
The colors of The Patriot Bride appeal to me, so much like a fall palette with the browns and golds and then those pearls and gloves and bit of lace. Notice her stance which is determined and hints of the heroine’s character, perhaps? The background is like vintage wallpaper, another plus for me. I could keep gushing! I especially like how the series title is set off decoratively with that lovely font and embellishment…
I’ve been hearing a lot of buzz about this series which should delight historical readers as the publisher, Barbour, is releasing a book every other month beginning in 2018. The Mayflower theme that ties them all together is quite intriguing. I, for one, am ordering based on the covers alone. But I’m sure each novel will be just as well done. Congrats to the authors for such an intriguing, beautifully wrapped series!
I’d love to know if you have a favorite here and why it appeals to you! Cover art truly is in the eye of the beholder:)
If you’d like to know more about the series, please follow this link…