Since you’ve met our heroine in the prior post, time for our privateer! Truth be told, I like my heroes more than my heroines. Maybe that comes from raising boys but I find men wonderfully uncomplicated & straightforward like our hero, Henri Lennox. His name also has a French flair. Our heroine even pronounces it correctly – AWN-ree – which earns her romantic points in the novel. And Esmée Shaw Lennox sounds delightful, right? I always promise a happy ending though it’s a rocky road to get there.
Henri has the distinction of being my only ship’s captain hero. He has a deep-seated love of travel and is worldly but wise. He’s down-to-earth and has a good dose of Scottish sense with some French charm. One of my favorite scenes in the novel is of Henri and his horse, Trident. Mariners aren’t usually good equestrians;) And since I’ve always dreamed of living on an island, that dream came true through Captain Lennox!