Once upon a time I lived in England and attended school there at a place called Harlaxton in Lincolnshire. To say it was magical was an understatement. Only now, looking back, do I see how the Lord used that experience to stoke my imagination and lay the groundwork for my writing. I’m eternally grateful! I remember endless cups of steaming tea, serene green countryside, the beautiful gates and almost mile long drive to the manor house where I lived, and studying English literature and the American Revolution from the British perspective!
Since then I’ve always had a deep interest in British history, abhorring Henry VIII while admiring to the utmost the current Queen Elizabeth. Oddly enough, I’ve never had the benefit of watching a royal wedding before as I was always working! So now I’m counting down to the May marriage of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. Since she’s an American with a very interesting history/genealogy, this makes it all the more fun!
There’s even a commemorative wedding cup and saucer in my cupboard for the big day and I’m going to bake scones (recipe in future post). I’ve always loved fairy tales and this wedding is as close as we can get in our modern world, I think. And I suppose, in my own small way, I had my own sort of fairytale living in such a beautiful place and being inspired to write the stories I do now.
And they lived happily ever after!