Story Inspiration

Laura FrantzUncategorized

Once upon a timeย a southern girl met her real-life hero in the Pacific Northwest. 23 years later they found themselves between two beautiful states, Kentucky and Washington. Inspiration comes from both and I’m so thankful. When I’m in one place, I look forward to traveling to the other. Since I spent part of my childhood growing up in a national park, creation never ceases to be an ongoing wonder and delight for me. Here are a few recent pictures from our summer out west…

You can see I am outnumbered by the men in the family. My husband, Randy, and our two sons, Wyatt and Paul. You might have trouble figuring out who is who as they look so much alike. I’m the blonde!

If you’ve read my books, you know how much the setting of a story means to me. I try to create rich, evocative images that plant you right in the heart of the novel so you feel you are there, too. Setting then becomes a character of its own, a real, living, breathing entity. I’m so thankful the Lord gave us so many colors and textures and natural wonders to savor and enjoy.

Now I’m packing to return south to our little log cabin that sits in the heart of Kentucky along the trace Daniel Boone blazed back in 1775. But I’ll take some of the Pacific Northwest with me when I go – crisp, clean air, tall timber, ridiculously deep lakes, epic mountains, and lots of inspiration.

Happy reading!